Excellence Starts with the Basics

The basics seem so boring.  When I finally reached college age I was so excited not to have to take, what I considered, the boring curriculum subjects of math, science and foreign language and jumped at the chance to select more creative endeavor.  And so, in my first season of college I took drawing, design,Continue reading “Excellence Starts with the Basics”

5 “P”s – The Second “P” is for Practice

Practice seems at times tedious and like wasted time.  We tend to want the finished product without the investment of practice.  But every skilled musician, athlete, writer or artist knows that the most expressive freedom – the ability to create our absolute best grows out of that very mundane disciplined activity of practice. Many ofContinue reading “5 “P”s – The Second “P” is for Practice”

Beauty and Excellence in the Arts

“Art is our human response to whatever we see as beautiful.” – Luci Shaw in For the Beauty of the Church As human beings we are drawn to beauty, we are attracted to excellence.  The Arts – music, dance, drama, poetry (and other literary arts), visual arts (drawing, painting, digital, sculpture, to name a few)  film, and architecture,Continue reading “Beauty and Excellence in the Arts”