Values in Color, Values in Life

Some of our days, or seasons of our life, can be like dramatic contrast in a painting.  There are portions of brilliant light juxtaposed by deep dark shadows – the peaks and valleys of life sometimes run close together.  In my work in ministry there were weeks when we would both prepare for a wedding, withContinue reading “Values in Color, Values in Life”

What Does the Composition Convey?

A composition, in many aspects, is the task of placing visual components on a canvas.  This may sound simple but may be, in fact, amazingly complex.  The arrangement of objects can convey diverse ideas and one has to decide what one is attempting to communicate to the viewer.  For example, a simple triangular composition withContinue reading “What Does the Composition Convey?”

The Joy of Mixing Colors

My painting teacher, Jim Faber (who was a wonderful colorist) said is that “in light there is all colors.”  So when we paint we can attribute color to places that we know, scientifically, are there even if we don’t wholly see them with our limited eyesight.  For example, we may see only a light yellowContinue reading “The Joy of Mixing Colors”

Fruit, Flowers and Faith

“I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting.”  –  Winston Churchill What an interesting insight into this great leader in history!  Also revealed is an understanding that there are distinct seasons in the book ofContinue reading “Fruit, Flowers and Faith”

How to Enjoy Art Like a Child

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow  up. – Pablo Picasso We are so creative as children, and then we grow up.  We become fearful of not measuring up.  We get discouraged by the sometimes thoughtless comments of others.  We lose our sense of wonder andContinue reading “How to Enjoy Art Like a Child”

Observa-tion is the Key to Art

Observation…we discuss it every week in the art classes whether it be drawing or painting.  We often ask, “what did you see differently this week because you took the time to really observe something? The study of art gives us an avenue to view our natural world with fresh eyes and take in all the nuanceContinue reading “Observa-tion is the Key to Art”

Face Painting for Samuel

When it comes to painting faces it is usually in the form of a painted portrait.  This is about actually painting on faces!  On Sunday afternoon, May 19th, at Rohner Park in Fortuna I’ll be doing some face painting for a cause that is dear to my heart because it is about a very specialContinue reading “Face Painting for Samuel”

Happy Creating!

  There is a sense of exhilaration as a painting, in this case a wedding portrait, nears it’s completion.  The many hours spent before the easel has something tangible to show for the effort.  There are jars full of various brushes and daily pallets which if seen all together would have hundreds, if not thousands, hand mixed dabs of paint.  The mixed paint onContinue reading “Happy Creating!”

More About Color Theory

In my early twenties I was taken back by learning that someone with whom I had attended High School was studying color theory for an entire year at his chosen university.  I shook my head and could not comprehend that one could fill a whole year’s studies on color!  Yellow and blue make green, right?  How could there beContinue reading “More About Color Theory”

Beauty and Excellence in the Arts

“Art is our human response to whatever we see as beautiful.” – Luci Shaw in For the Beauty of the Church As human beings we are drawn to beauty, we are attracted to excellence.  The Arts – music, dance, drama, poetry (and other literary arts), visual arts (drawing, painting, digital, sculpture, to name a few)  film, and architecture,Continue reading “Beauty and Excellence in the Arts”