Vibrancy in the Shade

“In some spheres the shadow condition is the condition of greatest growth.  The beautiful Indian corn never grows more rapidly than in the shadow of a warm summer night.  The sun curls the leaves in the sultry noon light, but they quickly unfold, if a cloud slips over the sky.  There is a service inContinue reading “Vibrancy in the Shade”

Autumn Colors Inspire Art

 Well Fall is in the air!  As much as we long for summers here on the North Coast because we have such an abundance of rain, still, we tend to greet Autumn with great anticipation as well.  There is something about new beginnings, a change in the weather and students going back to school.  InContinue reading “Autumn Colors Inspire Art”

The Joy of Mixing Colors

My painting teacher, Jim Faber (who was a wonderful colorist) said is that “in light there is all colors.”  So when we paint we can attribute color to places that we know, scientifically, are there even if we don’t wholly see them with our limited eyesight.  For example, we may see only a light yellowContinue reading “The Joy of Mixing Colors”

Painting Difficult Subjects

Some subjects freak people out.  When faced with trying to draw or paint someone’s likeness or a panoramic view or a complicated (or seemingly complicated) object the “I can’t do this” thoughts can fog our brains.  This is when we need to take a step back and literally forget what it is we are tryingContinue reading “Painting Difficult Subjects”

More About Color Theory

In my early twenties I was taken back by learning that someone with whom I had attended High School was studying color theory for an entire year at his chosen university.  I shook my head and could not comprehend that one could fill a whole year’s studies on color!  Yellow and blue make green, right?  How could there beContinue reading “More About Color Theory”

Color Theory Comes to Light in the Shadows

Around 1987 or 1988 I began studying with a very talented and knowledgable colorist painter named Jim Faber.  He explained to us the Impressionistic theories of color and light. The Impressionists brought about a new way of looking at art and life.  These artists came out of the studio into the light of day andContinue reading “Color Theory Comes to Light in the Shadows”